Długo czekałam na pokaz kolekcji UNIQUE spring summer 2013, i tradycyjnie nie zawiodłam się. Przede wszystkim zachwyciła mnie nie tylko nastrojowa muzyka, ale także scenografia wybiegu w formie wielkiej, podświetlanej podkowy, której kształt odtworzono również w postaci oświetlenia. Sama kolekcja, utrzymana raczej w minimalistycznym tonie przypominała mi trochę z kolekcji Stelli McCartney i Alexandra Wanga. Dominującą kolorystyką na wiosnę według Unique jest z pewnością biel, elementy czerni, żółty i srebrny. Luźne fryzury i fasony ubrań sprawiały wrażenie romantic rock look, ponieważ utrzymane w delikatnej, kobiecej kolorystyce miały swobodne, ale i ostre fasony np. kamizelek - ramonesek. Outfity, które zapamiętałam najbardziej to srebrne spodnie, które sprawiały wrażenie lejącej się wody, czy pogniecionego lustra, srebrna sukienka z białym tiulem, i identyczna spódnica, oraz żółty garnitur, przy czym była to żółcień o odcieniu niedojrzałej cytryny, bardzo świeża i wiosenna. Dodatkowo cieszy mnie ogromnie powrót butów w szpic, bardzo za nimi tęskniłam, przede wszystkim dlatego, że dodają sylwetce lekkości, bo niezwykle wydłużają nogi, a poza tym wyglądają ultra kobieco. Zdjęć z pokazu naturalnie jeszcze nie ma, ale jak tylko pojawią się w sieci dodam je do tego posta. Póki co zamieszczam link, pod którym niebawem można będzie ponownie obejrzeć pokaz, i pobrać muzykę towarzyszącą wydarzeniu.
I have been waiting for a long time for a spring summer 2013 collection of UNIQUE show, and as always I was not disappointed. First of all, I am not only delighted with the mood of the music, but also the scenography of the runway, which was in the form of a large, illuminated horseshoe shape which was also reproduced in the form of lights. Collection itself, rather maintained in a minimalist tone, has reminded me a bit a collections of Stella McCartney and Alexander Wang. The main colors for the spring by Unique is certainly white, some elements of black, yellow and silver. Loose hair and clothing style, seemed to get a romantic rock look, as maintained in a delicate, feminine colors were free in forms, but also crisp such as in nude ramones vests. Outfits that I remember mostly are the silver pants that looked like a pouring water, or creased mirrors, silver dress with white tulle, and the same skirt, and a yellow suit, but it was an unripe shade of lemon yellow, very fresh and springy. In addition, I enjoy immensely a back of pointed shoes, I missed them so much, especially because they add lightness silhouette, elongating legs much, and besides, they look ultra feminine. Pictures from the show are of course not availiable yet, but as soon as they will appear in the network, I will add them to this post. As long as I put a link in which you can soon see the fashion show again, and download the music from the event.
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topshop unique fashion show
I have been waiting for a long time for a spring summer 2013 collection of UNIQUE show, and as always I was not disappointed. First of all, I am not only delighted with the mood of the music, but also the scenography of the runway, which was in the form of a large, illuminated horseshoe shape which was also reproduced in the form of lights. Collection itself, rather maintained in a minimalist tone, has reminded me a bit a collections of Stella McCartney and Alexander Wang. The main colors for the spring by Unique is certainly white, some elements of black, yellow and silver. Loose hair and clothing style, seemed to get a romantic rock look, as maintained in a delicate, feminine colors were free in forms, but also crisp such as in nude ramones vests. Outfits that I remember mostly are the silver pants that looked like a pouring water, or creased mirrors, silver dress with white tulle, and the same skirt, and a yellow suit, but it was an unripe shade of lemon yellow, very fresh and springy. In addition, I enjoy immensely a back of pointed shoes, I missed them so much, especially because they add lightness silhouette, elongating legs much, and besides, they look ultra feminine. Pictures from the show are of course not availiable yet, but as soon as they will appear in the network, I will add them to this post. As long as I put a link in which you can soon see the fashion show again, and download the music from the event.
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topshop unique fashion show
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